

Is a multi-specialty hospital of international standard, which is also a provider of health care services and comprehensive prevention. With a team of French doctors and Vietnam prolific experience, we provide health care services varied, including examination and surgical treatment in 30 different specialties.

General physical examination plays an important role in ensuring a healthy physical, is the secret to bring you and your family a happier life. The periodic health examination is designed to detect abnormal conditions before they have a chance of developing the disease. Detecting disease early is the best way to ensure effective treatment and successful.

Health care services our general be done in the outpatient clinic, by doctors General, specialist and Gynaecology, Urology specialist, eye specialist, cardiologist and specialist Houses perform. Our doctors are supported by comprehensive diagnostic centers include the Imaging Sciences, Department of Cardiovascular and on-site laboratories, equipped with modern equipment and uniform. Based on the test results, doctors, nurses, and technicians in every science, exchange rooms always worked together to assess health status, diagnosis and give treatment best for you.


The health care program designed general science, best suited for health care needs of the individual. To get the best counseling program for you or to make an appointment, please call the Health Inspection department.

Outpatient area is open from 7:30 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday, and from 7:30 to 12:00 on Saturdays.

Please make an appointment in advance to save time and ensure hieuqua for your health care.


Its mission is to offer FVH people in Vietnam healthcare services of international quality with reasonable price. Therefore, we are pleased to introduce you to the many programs different health screening to meet the actual needs of you and your family. The program of our health care is designed to meet diverse lifestyle, personal needs and financial capabilities vary.