
Research by prophylactic intranasal vaccine for Chlamydia

The team has tested on mice showed that the vaccine contains antigens have BD584 protect rodents from Chlamydia as well as reduces the probability of formation of complications. The Risk of complications such as tubal services, conduction disorders of the fallopian tube, fertilization hinder reduced 87.5%.


In the future, the scientists tested a vaccine focusing on the different strains of Chlamydia as well as experimenting with the composition of the vaccine to produce vaccine safe and effective.

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can infect popular for both men and women. The disease can cause permanent damage, serious women’s reproductive systems, making it difficult for women to get pregnant or not after. Chlamydia can also cause ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus) can cause potentially fatal.

If successful this study will be effective treatments, gentle people with chlamydia. By conducting immunization vaccine by nasal sugar does not cause injury to the patient, in addition to not need to specialties and specialized medical training.